The Lynx Fund
The Lynx Fund is the original fund launched in May 2000. It is domiciled in Sweden and denominated in SEK.
Historical performance 2025-01-31
Return month to date
Return year to date
Nav per Share
The Lynx Fund is a Special Fund pursuant to the Act (2013:561) on managers of alternative investment funds (AIFMA).
The Fund differs from traditional mutual funds with regard to investment policy and risk management. The Fund is intended for investors who have a basic knowledge about the financial markets and a long-term investment horizon.
An investment in the Fund shall not be seen as an independent alternative to traditional equities and bond funds. The Fund should instead be used as an instrument for diversifying the risks in a portfolio. An investment in the Fund should only constitute a small part of an investor’s total portfolio of financial investments.
The portfolio managers’ aim is that an investment in Lynx should provide good performance over a long period of time. However, it is impossible to forecast performance over a short time frame. An investor should therefore regard an investment in Lynx as a long-term investment, and have an investment horizon of at least two years.
Investing in funds is associated with risk. Past performance is no guarantee of future return. The value of the capital invested in the fund may increase or decrease and investors cannot be certain of recovering all of their invested capital. Past performance is no guarantee of future return. Lynx Asset Management cannot guarantee that an investment in Lynx will not decline in value.
It is important that a potential investor reads the information contained in the fund documents section below.